Black-Tailed Deer

(Odocoileus hemionus)

Willamette Valley, Klamath Mountains, West Cascades and Coast Range.

A mature black-tailed deer is about 66 inches in length and weighs between 100 to 200 pounds (females are smaller than males). They are distinguished by their triangular tail with a dark brown or black top and a white underside.

Diet and habitat
Their diet consists of many plant species including trailing blackberry, thimbleberry, red huckleberry, red alder, Douglas-fir, western redcedar, hazel, vine maple and lichens. They are found primarily in western Oregon and inhabit riparian, mixed conifer, ponderosa pine and white oak forest types, preferring young forest stands for feeding and fawning and older stands for hiding and thermal cover. They are often seen in parklands, grasslands, and urban areas as well.

Predators and threats
Primary predators include mountain lions, bobcats, bears, coyotes, dogs and people.

Females will give birth to one to two fawns per year, and young are able to travel with the mother shortly after birth.


9755 SW Barnes Rd., Suite 210        
Portland, OR 97225        
Phone: 971-673-2944        
Fax: 971-673-2946

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